The first thing that struck me about this article was that, in more than one case, the photographs used as examples weren't even from the photographer they were meant to compliment. Why not use of of Annie Leibowitz's ACTUAL photos? It seemed strange to me that a photography blog about photographers used pictures not from those photographers. "This wartime photo is the same genre of photography that Robert Capa shot." The same genre?? Awesome. But since the whole premise of the post was about what you can learn from these specific photographers, was it too much to ask to get an image from that person? "same genre" my ass.
Also, what's with the photographers that didn't get an example picture at all?? Photography is a VISUAL medium, and your advice falls cheaply without an example from the photographer, especially without an example at all.
Overall, this article seemed to wildly oversimplify the careers of some historically and contemporary great photographers, and the "tips" that he gleaned from them were obvious and unhelpful. "Tip: don't stop doing photography." OH THANKS.
I did learn something, though, despite my reservations with the article as a whole. What this whole post basically boiled down to was: don't give up, don't destroy what you've done, and above all else, be passionate about what you do. Regardless of the poor writing, I'm glad I had that takeaway.
OK I agree but now what can you learn from the actual photographers?